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linguisticsweb:resources:corpora [2021/06/06 12:44]
sabinebartsch [Corpora]
linguisticsweb:resources:corpora [2023/04/06 12:30]
sabinebartsch [Tag sets]
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 ====== Corpora and other language resources ====== ====== Corpora and other language resources ======
 +===== Tag sets =====
 +^pos tag^description^example^
 +|CC|coordinating conjunction|and, or|
 +|CD|cardinal number|3, third|
 +|DT|determiner|the, this|
 +|EX|existential there|there is|
 +|FW|foreign word|tabula|
 +|IN|preposition, subordinating conjunction|in, of, like|
 +|IN/that|that as subordinator|that|
 +|JJ|adjective|blue, happy|
 +|JJR|adjective, comparative|bluer, happier|
 +|JJS|adjective, superlative|bluest, happiest|
 +|LS|list marker|1)|
 +|MD|modal|could, will|
 +|NN|noun, singular or mass|house|
 +|NNS|noun plural|houses|
 +|NP|proper noun, singular|Carrie|
 +|NPS|proper noun, plural|Americans|
 +|PDT|predeterminer|both as in "both the girls"|
 +|POS|possessive ending|person’s|
 +|PP|personal pronoun|I, she, it|
 +|PPZ|possessive pronoun|my, his, your|
 +|RB|adverb|however, usually, naturally, here, good|
 +|RBR|adverb, comparative|better|
 +|RBS|adverb, superlative|best|
 +|RP|particle|up as in "give up"|
 +|SENT|Sentence-break punctuation|. ! ?|
 +|SYM|Symbol|/ [ = *|
 +|TO|infinitive ‘to’|to play|
 +|VB|verb be, base form|be|
 +|VBD|verb be, past tense|was, were|
 +|VBG|verb be, gerund/present participle|being|
 +|VBN|verb be, past participle|been|
 +|VBP|verb be, sing. present, non-3d|am, are|
 +|VBZ|verb be, 3rd person sing. present|is|
 +|VH|verb have, base form|have|
 +|VHD|verb have, past tense|had|
 +|VHG|verb have, gerund/present participle|having|
 +|VHN|verb have, past participle|had|
 +|VHP|verb have, sing. present, non-3d|have|
 +|VHZ|verb have, 3rd person sing. present|has|
 +|VV|verb, base form|take|
 +|VVD|verb, past tense|took|
 +|VVG|verb, gerund/present participle|taking|
 +|VVN|verb, past participle|taken|
 +|VVP|verb, sing. present, non-3d|take|
 +|VVZ|verb, 3rd person sing. present|takes|
 +|WDT|wh-determiner|which, who|
 +|WP|wh-pronoun|who, what|
 +|WP$|possessive wh-pronoun|whose|
 +|WRB|wh-abverb|where, when|
 +|“|Quotation marks|‘ “|
 +|``|Opening quotation marks|‘ “|
 +|(|Opening brackets|( {|
 +|)|Closing brackets|) }|
 +|:|Punctuation|– ; : — …|
 ===== Corpora ===== ===== Corpora =====
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 |DWDS Kernkorpus|  |1900-1999  |Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften: https://www.dwds.de/d/korpora/kern|German| |DWDS Kernkorpus|  |1900-1999  |Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften: https://www.dwds.de/d/korpora/kern|German|
 |DWDS Kernkorpus 21|  |2000-2010  |Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften: https://www.dwds.de/d/korpora/korpus21|German| |DWDS Kernkorpus 21|  |2000-2010  |Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften: https://www.dwds.de/d/korpora/korpus21|German|
-|Deutscher Wortschatz Project|35 mio. sentences, 500 mio. words|  |http://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/|German| 
 |Hamburg Dependency Treebank|  |German news site heise.de, articles published between 1996 and 2001|http://hdl.handle.net/11022/0000-0000-7FC7-2|German| |Hamburg Dependency Treebank|  |German news site heise.de, articles published between 1996 and 2001|http://hdl.handle.net/11022/0000-0000-7FC7-2|German|
 |IDS-Corpora|  |  |http://www.ids-mannheim.de/kt/corpora.html|German| |IDS-Corpora|  |  |http://www.ids-mannheim.de/kt/corpora.html|German|
 |LIMAS-Korpus|1 mio words, 500 texts / fragments|1970s|http://www.korpora.org/Limas/|German| |LIMAS-Korpus|1 mio words, 500 texts / fragments|1970s|http://www.korpora.org/Limas/|German|
 |Arabic News Texts Corpus (AntCorpus)| | | https://antcorpus.github.io/|Arabic| |Arabic News Texts Corpus (AntCorpus)| | | https://antcorpus.github.io/|Arabic|
-|Wortschatz Leipzig| | |https://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/de/download|various|+|Wortschatz Leipzig|various sample sizes|Arabic, English, French, German, Russian misc. |https://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/de/download|various
 +|SpråkbankenText| | |https://spraakbanken.gu.se/en/resources|Swedish|