Python, developed by Guido van Rossum, has become one of the post popular programming languages in recent years.
To learn more about the Python eco-system and to download Python, visit:
Download a version of the Python3 installation file that is appropriate for your operating system. Click on Downloads and from the drop-down menu select the link to your operating system, in the example we are selecting Windows. We do not select the download link on the right hand side directly so we get access to the full list of download files in the next dialogue:
In the following dialogue a list of all possible download files is presented:
The downloads presented are three options for 32-bit and three versions for 64-bit installers:
The first set of three is for 32-bit, the second set for 64-bit operating systems. Make sure you are downloading the version appropriate for your operating system. Note that modern versions of Windows 10 are often the 64-bit versions. If you try this and find that you have a 32-bit operating system version, you will find out during the installation process. In case you run into an error message concerning the OS version, resort to the 32-bit version instead.
In this example, we are downloading the full Python 3.9.x 64-bit installer for Windows. By the time you are reading this, Python might have progressed to later versions, hence the 3.9.x standing for the most current version at the time of reading. Unless your are advised differently, you can safely install the latest stable version.
There are two possibilities for your Python set-up:
We typically recommend an installation for all users on the computer for a number of reasons, but there might be good reasons to opt for a single user installation, especially when you are working on a computer on which you do not have full administrative privileges.
There are reasons to install with administrative privileges and for all users:
The admin installation mode installs Python3 to the standard directory for all software installations:
C:\Program Files\Python39
which is an option many people, including myself, actually prefer for reasons of consistency.