Penn TreeBank tag set

Reference: Mitchell P. Marcus, Mary Ann Marcinkiewicz, and Beatrice Santorini. 1993. Building a large annotated corpus of English: the penn treebank. Comput. Linguist. 19, 2 (June 1993), 313–330. Ref

pos tagdescriptionexample
CCcoordinating conjunctionand, or
CDcardinal number3, third
DTdeterminerthe, this
EXexistential therethere is
FWforeign wordtabula
INpreposition, subordinating conjunctionin, of, like
IN/thatthat as subordinatorthat
JJadjectiveblue, happy
JJRadjective, comparativebluer, happier
JJSadjective, superlativebluest, happiest
LSlist marker1)
MDmodalcould, will
NNnoun, singular or masshouse
NNSnoun pluralhouses
NPproper noun, singularCarrie
NPSproper noun, pluralAmericans
PDTpredeterminerboth as in “both the girls”
POSpossessive endingperson’s
PPpersonal pronounI, she, it
PPZpossessive pronounmy, his, your
RBadverbhowever, usually, naturally, here, good
RBRadverb, comparativebetter
RBSadverb, superlativebest
RPparticleup as in “give up”
SENTSentence-break punctuation. ! ?
SYMSymbol/ [ = *
TOinfinitive ‘to’to play
VBverb be, base formbe
VBDverb be, past tensewas, were
VBGverb be, gerund/present participlebeing
VBNverb be, past participlebeen
VBPverb be, sing. present, non-3dam, are
VBZverb be, 3rd person sing. presentis
VHverb have, base formhave
VHDverb have, past tensehad
VHGverb have, gerund/present participlehaving
VHNverb have, past participlehad
VHPverb have, sing. present, non-3dhave
VHZverb have, 3rd person sing. presenthas
VVverb, base formtake
VVDverb, past tensetook
VVGverb, gerund/present participletaking
VVNverb, past participletaken
VVPverb, sing. present, non-3dtake
VVZverb, 3rd person sing. presenttakes
WDTwh-determinerwhich, who
WPwh-pronounwho, what
WP$possessive wh-pronounwhose
WRBwh-abverbwhere, when
Quotation marks‘ “
``Opening quotation marks‘ “
(Opening brackets( {
)Closing brackets) }
:Punctuation– ; : — …